Krishi Vigyan Kendra
The KVK is a grass root level institute under the auspices of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and Banasthali University. It was established in the year 1995 and receives 100% grant from ICAR for infrastructural developments and execution of programmes. The beneficiaries are practicing farmers, farm women, rural youths and functionaries of development departments and voluntary organisations. Empowerment of rural women receives priority in its programmes.


It is presently manned by an Advisor, Programme Coordinator, Six Subject Matter Specialists, three Programme Assistants and Six ministerial staff. In addition to this three project assistants are engaged to assist SMS for carrying on two sponsored research cum extension projects, financed by Govt. of Rajasthan and Dept. of Science & Technology, New Delhi. The KVK has distinct mandates comprising -

  1. vocational trainings for farmers, farm women and school dropouts in agriculture and allied subjects based on felt needs, resources and farming systems. 
  2. On farm Testing of the released technologies in agriculture and allied subjects. 
  3. Front line demonstrations of various crops to generate production data and feedback. 
  4. Training to extension functionaries of the line departments/voluntary organisations connected with departmental activities. 
  5. Farm advisory work including institute village linkage programmes and other extension activities. 

The major thrust areas of the KVK for Tonk district are as below :

  1. Conducting diagnostic studies and impact analysis
  2. Promoting people’s participation through community organization as Krishi Vigyan Clubs (TTCs), Common Interest Groups (CIGs), Self Help Groups (SHGs) etc.
  3. Production Techniques of cereals, millets, pulses. and oilseed crops under normal,  rainfed, limited irrigation, poor quality water and salt affected soils
  4. Integrated pest and disease management, post harvest techniques in crops, fruits and vegetables
  5. Production and use of different organic manures and bio-fertilizers under INM
  6. Reclamation and management of salt affected soils and sodic water for sustainable production of crops, vegetables and fruit plants
  7. Enhancing productivity of milch animals through genetic improvement, balance feeding, management & health care
  8. Empowering women through income generating activities such as fruits and vegetable preservation, mushroom cultivation, bee-keeping etc.
  9. Promoting health, hygiene and nutritional levels of farming community with special reference to vulnerable groups
  10. Promoting vegetables  orchard raising, spices-medicinal and aromatic plants
  11. Implements for various farm operations to reduce drudgery and enhance efficiency 

To meet the above objectives, the KVK has major infrastructure facilities – A well developed 25 hectare demonstration cum research farm having orchard of arid fruits, seasonal crops and vegetable nursery and seed production units, modest livestock unit, unit to demonstrate recycling of farm waste for promoting organic farming, Home science laboratory for fruit and vegetable preservation training and full fledged  soil and water testing lab. Centre is provided with a farmers’ hostel for facilitating institutional training programmes. The KVK envisages establishing a model fruit and vegetable nursery under National Horticulture Mission for facilitating availability of True to the type seeds and saplings to beneficiaries receiving trainings at the centre. Mandate-wise salient achievements of the KVK during last five years are presented below :

Trainings programmes

In all 236 training programmes in different disciplines of agriculture organised during last five years benefited 3642 males and 1599 female practicing farmers.

Similarly special 156 training programmes for rural youths either practicing farmers or school dropouts were organised. Such trainings were attended by 2903 males and 1414 females. As the KVK has the mandate to provide technological back up to ongoing development programmes of line departments, the KVK organised 40 in-service trainings programmes of varying duration benefiting 730 extension functionaries. The KVK also organised some major vocational trainings of medium duration (one week to one month) either independently or under Rajasthan Livelihood Mission.

Such trainings covered recycling of farm waste and promoting organic farming, food preservation and packaging, dairying for self employment, bee keeping, arid horticulture etc. These trainings succeeded in not only empowering participants by way of gain in knowledge but also motivated some trainees to translate the knowledge into action as reflected in establishment of vermicompost units, practicing supplementary livestock feeding with green fodder and mineral mixture including better management practices and adopting fruit and vegetable preservation practices by women as a group activity. It has laid to creation of additional income generation avenues in the region.

Front Line Demonstrations

The KVK strives for promoting area specific need based farm innovations among farming communities. Front Line Demonstrations on Kharif and Rabi oilseeds and pulses are organised to demonstrate the efficacy of newly released production technologies on farmers’ field to explore their maximum potential in given farming situation. FLDs on oilseeds are laid on Til and Groundnut during Kharif and Mustard in Rabi season. During the last five years 207 demonstrations in Kharif and 103 in Rabi seasons were organised on Famers’ field.

Green gram and black gram in Kharif and chick pea during rabi are major pulse crops for organising front line demonstrations. In all, 150 demonstrations in Kharif and 75 in Rabi were organised during the last five years for promoting regional crops such as millets, cluster bean, wheat, barley, oat and seed spices. 336 Kharif season demonstrations and 464 Rabi season demonstrations were organised registering 25-30% higher production over the existing production practices. There have been overwhelming response of farmers to adopt the innovations highlighted in the demonstrations particularly widespread acceptance of recommended varieties coupled with integrated nutrient management and IPM practices. In the vicinity of the KVK, farmers in large number purchase seeds of newly released varieties and follow recommended practices.

On Farm Testing

On Farm Testing is a joint venture of KVK staff, regional research scientists and local farming community aiming at assessment and refinement of technologies. Farmers perspective and their participation is crucial to identify and develop area specific demand driven technologies. SMS of the centre initiate longitudinal OFTs of local importance in their respective disciplines.

Further, the centre has been recognised for conducting initial varietal trial and advanced varietal trials of different crops under All India co-ordinated Research Projects. Such 31 laid trials covered gram, barley, wheat, lentil, field pea, pearl millet, cluster bean, Moong and response of salt tolerant varieties in reclaimed soils. The KVK produces truthful level seeds of improved varieties of crops for distribution among farmers.

Extension Activities

For speedy transfer of farm technologies, the KVK periodically organises Farmers’ fair, Field Days, Vichar Goshthi, Educational tours, Production and distribution of farm literature and receives support from mass media – News papers, local FM Radio and All India Radio and Doordarshan. These activities have established and fostered close liaison, mutual trust and participation of farming communities in the programmes of the KVK. Activity-wise the KVK has organised 4 Kisan Melas being participated by 28,000 farmers and 600 extension functionaries and different firms.

Similarly, 48 field days on various FLD fields were organised that were attended by 5,754 farmers and 230 extension functionaries. Annually Ber and Aonla days were organised on KVK institutional farm. 810 farmers joined in 31 educational tours organised within and outside the state sponsored by the KVK. Further development departments and NGOs bring thousands of farmers and farm women to visit the demonstration units including fruits, crops and Home Science activities. during the last five years around 10,500 farmers and 1,350 extension functionaries sponsored by organisations from Tonk district and other parts of the state visited the centre to gain first hand knowledge of latest production technologies in income generation activities.

The KVK publishes Banasthali Krishi Samachar, a quarterly journal covering tit bits and timely recommendations, programme announcements, KVK and farmers’ achievements for the benefit of target audiance.  Further, pamphlets and folders on specific recommendations were developed. Four farm bulletins on Bee-keepings, Mushroom cultivation, Fruit and vegetable preservation and Management of problematic soils are published/under publication.

The local and state level news-papers are periodically utilised to abreast the farming community with seasonal recommendations through news coverage and announcements. Similarly, FM Radio, Banasthali serves the local community through timely announcements and farm and home level conversational talks.

The state AIR and Doordarshan periodically covers KVK activities, achievements and success events of farmers’. The KVK has a well developed Audio Visual Unit and Exhibition cell, the exhibition unit of the centre have earned prizes & Lurals during Kisan Melas organised by ICAR Institutes and district authorities. The KVK exhibition has been also visited by Dr.Armity S.Desai, Former U.G.C. Chairperson, Dr. Ranjana Kumar, Former Chairperson of NABARD & Dr. Swati Piramal of Nicholas India Group who commented the efforts of the KVK.

In consonance with teaching by doing and learning by doing approach of KVK has developed its instructional cum seed production farm Large no. of farmers within and outside the district annually procure truthful level seed of cereals, millets, oilseeds, pulses and seed spices.

During the last five years, the KVK has supplied 1100 quintals of Rabi crop seeds to 2700 farmers. Similarly 500 quintal seeds of Kharif crops were sold to 2600 farmers. The KVK also supplies TFL seeds of seed spices, saplings of fruit plants, honey and products prepared during training on fruit and vegetable preservation. It has laid to generation of revolving fund of the centre to the tune of around 30 lac rupees mainly from the income of last five years. The fund is then ploughed back for developing infrastructural facilities and instructional units.

For livestock development, they supplied buffalo-bulls of Murrah  breed to 10 interested farmers for genetic upgradation. The farmers rendered their service on cost basis to needy she-buffalo owners. Till date this efforts has yielded around 2500 offsprings that are of varying age presently.

Scientists Advisory Committee Meeting

The KVK programmes and plans are reviewed by SAC that meets twice in a year under the chairmanship of Vice Chancellor, Banasthali University/Zonal co-ordinator. The committee comprises of Head of the host institution, representatives of SAUs representatives of different line departments, programme coordinator and SMS of KVK, representative farmers and farm women etc.

In addition to KVK mandates other major responsibilities of KVK are to carry out research project on World Bank financed State project on reclamation of soils, DST, DBT financed research projects on Production and Promotion of Enriched Organic Manures and their Impact on Crop Productivity. Further, the KVK has been interested with the responsibility of serving as district level institute of Supplementary Observation Mechanism (SOM) project and also serving as District Capacity Building unit under district Poverty Initiatives Project as also under Agriculture Technology Management Agency in Reformed Extension System