B.Sc. Botany

Semester I hrs/ week Semester II hrs/ week
1.1 Algae, Fungi, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and gymnosperms 6 2.1 Angiosperm Anatomy, Embryology and Tissue Culture 6
1.2 Practicals 4 2.2 Practicals 4
Semester III Semester IV
3.1 Angiosperm Taxonomy and Economic Botany 6 4.1 Microbiology and Plant Pathology 6
3.2 Practicals 4 4.2 Practicals 4
Semester V Semester VI
5.1 Plant Physiology and Ecology 6 6.1 Genetics and Genetic Engineering 6
5.2 Practicals 4 6.2 Practicals 4

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@ 2007 Banasthali Vidyapith.